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Robin Thicke - Ride Like The Wind (feat.Will Ferrell)

Hey, hi, I like how this is sounding
Hold on everybody, here we go
Not quite yet, pretty soon
Mr. Robin Thicke, any minute now
Alright, here we go
Take it away

It is the night, my body's weak (sure)
I'm on the run, no time to sleep ('cause you're on the run)
I've got to ride, ride like the wind (right)
To be free again (we all want that)

And I've got such a long way to go (such a long way to go)
To make it to the border of Mexico
So I'll ride (oh good) like the wind
Ride like the wind
(He'll ride the wind for those who don't know)

I was born the son of a lawless man (you mean Alan Thicke?)
Always spoke my mind with a gun in my hands
(That sounds dangerous)
? Gonna ride like the wind

Yeah, and I've got such a long way to go
(Such a long way to go)
To make it to the border of Mexico
So I'll ride like the wind (ride like the wind)
Ride like the wind (oh my)
Gonna ride like the wind

Yes, oh my
It's getting hot in here
It's a hot wind, that's right
Oh, I can do that too
Oh, see? I can make those noises

Lyrics: Robin Thicke - Ride Like The Wind (feat.Will Ferrell)
Created by Unknown
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